Essays on Infinite Lifespans
Manfred Clynes
are software, and can be up- or downloaded. Brain processes
and experiences are both analog and digital, continuous, and
discrete. Today, you can make a computer laugh but it will
not enjoy it; even if it says it does. It is time to stop deceiving
ourselves. Turing deserves better than that.
My computer plays beautiful Beethoven. I am happy that it
does. But it is not. Nor will it be until it understands Beethoven.
Without timeconsciousness that is impossible. Without logo-
genesis that is impossible. But give it time, maybe some day
it will join us in all this. Then it will become one of us and
we will become one of them. The Good Lord probably (or
improbably) knows when and how this will happen. But I
would caution us to try to find the probability. A little faith is
probably programmed into our logogenesis system.
Related References
Abeles, M; Time is precious, Perspectives, in Science,
304, pg. 523524, 2004
Barnes, J et al; Reqirement of Mammalian Timeless for
Circadian Rhythmicity in Science 302, pg. 439445 2003
Clynes, M; The Future Compassionate Computer: pre-
sented at MIT Medialab Celebration Oct 1999, 2000,
Clynes, M; Entities and brain organization: Logogenesis of
meaningful time-forms, in Proc. of the Second Appalachian
Conf. on Behavioral Neurodynamics. Origins: brain and self
organization.ed. K.H. Pribram, Erlbaum Press, N.J. pg.
604632, 1994